Welcome, this is the test evaluation form for the BioNLP-ST'13 GRN task.
- We highly recommend you register to the BioNLP-ST mailing list where we announce updates and news about the tasks.
One (successful) submission is allowed for 24 hours.- The upload must be a gzipped tar archive (.tar.gz or .tgz) containing .a2 files or the test.sif file.
- For GRN task you may submit either a set of .a2 files containing predicted interactions, or a SIF file containing the predicted gene regulation network.
- If you submit .a2 files, then their name must be the same as the provided .txt and .a1 files. All .a2 files must be present; if, for a given document, there is no prediction, then the file should be left empty.
- If you submit a SIF file, then it must be named test.sif.
- This service will check the submission is well formed with regards to the BioNLP-ST file format and to the GRN task annotation schema. It will reject invalid submissions, and will not give error details. You may check your submission and obtain more information with a command-line tool available on the GRN task page.