Sylvie Huet


Email: Sylvie.Huet AT
Mailing address:
Domaine de Vilvert
78352 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex - FRANCE -
Tél: (+33) (0)1 34 65 22 24
Fax: (+33) (0)1 34 65 22 17
Secretary: (+33) (0)1 34 65 22 31

Research Topics

I am working on statistical models usefull for analysing data observed by biologists working at INRA.


I am mainly involved in two applied topics


Liste de mes publications


Technical reports

Graph selection with GGMselect : with C. Giraud and N. Verzelen

Estimator selection in the Gaussian setting : with Y. Baraud and C. Giraud.


NLS2 : A set of Splus (or R) functions and programs to estimate the parameters of a non-linear regression model over a given set of observations.

GGMselect : A R package dedicated to graph estimation in Gaussian Graphical Models. The main functions return the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph estimated from a data matrix.

LINSelect : R functions for choosing an estimator in Gaussian regression model according to the method proposed by Baraud et al. 2010. See also LINselect.pdf, and Giraud et al. 2012.

ConvDiscr : R functions for the non parametric estimation of a convex discrete distribution. Durot et al. 2013, CSDA, 67, 282-298. The functions are available in a zip file.

NConv : R functions for estimating the number of species under the hypothesis that the abundance distribution is a convex abundance distribution. Durot et al. 2014. The functions are available in a zip file.