Dialecti Valsamou. Master, research and software development December 2010 - February 2013. Project FSOV SAM : Genetic marker extraction for scientific papers.
Frédéric Papazian. Master, software development February 2008 - September 2012. Quaero Project: IHM for KB systems. Visiting the Database Center for Life Science, Tokyo.
Wiktoria Golik Master, Computational linguistics and Knowledge Acquisition August 2009 - May 2013. Quaero: Termino-ontology design.
Pierre Warnier PhD student, computer science October 2010 - . Quaero: Distributional semantics.
Zorana Ratkovic PhD student, Computational linguistics December 2010 - . Quaero: Acquisition of lexico-semantics structures.
Alain Kotoujansky Senior research scientist in biology and information science
Julien Jourde. Master, software development September 2008 - December 2012. Quaero: NER and renaming relation extraction.
Paul Bui-Quang. Engineer school, research and ontology development February 2012 - August 2012. Project GIS GC HP2E : semantic search enfine for agriculture.
Philippe Veber Research scientist in bioinformatics
Audrey Lemaçon. Apprentice in Bioinformatics April 2008 - September 2010. Quaero project: Gene cocitation.
Laurent Gillard. Researcher in computer science mai 2009 - avril 2011. Quaero: ML for IE.
Sophie Aubin. Computational linguistics February 2008 - December 2009. Quaero Project: terminology design, content analysis.
Sandra Makuntima. Engineer in Computational Linguistics September 2008 - July 2009. Quaero: terminology design.
Sarhane Safraoui. Software Developer March 2008 - August 2008. Epipagri project, information system.
Alain-Pierre Manine ASC bioinformatics, ML for IE
- Brice Durot. Software Developer August 2007 - December 2007. Epipagri project: patent management.
- Aïcha Bourgognon Research scientist in Biology. November 2006 - January 2007. Alvis project, acquisition of terminology in Bacteriology.
- Jérôme Azé Research scientist in computer science. November 2004 - August 2005. Alvis project: Ontology Learning with Asium.
- Erick Alphonse Post-doc. September 2003 - September 2005. ExtraPloDocs Project: Application of Inductive Logic Programming to relation extraction.
- Gaël Deral Software Developer. December 2004 - May 2005. Alvis project: Machine Learning integration in Alvis semantic annotation pipeline.
- Julien Gobeil Software Developer. January - April 2005. Alvis project: Data set and evaluation in LLL challenge.
- Alain Lelu Visitor professor in computer science September 2002 - August 2004. Professor at the Computer Science Department of Besançon University. Document clustering.
- Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah. PhD student. 2001-2005. Document filtering and information extraction.
- Gaëtan Lehman Software Developer. 2003. Named entity recognition and document filtering.
- Sophie Aubin Graduate student in computational linguistic. 2002. Syntactic parsing.
- Zihyu Qian Graduate student in computer science. 2002. Terminology impact on document filtering and ontology learning.