INRA logo MaIAGE nls2

What's new

This page is in French since March 2006

6 décembre 2016:
- Modification des fichiers Makevars (ôte l'option -lfl)
- Modification du fichier configure et de : la valeur de R_SHARE_DIR est modifiée dans les versions récentes de R.

5 Février 2013:
Modification du logo INRA. Version 2013.0.2

21 Janvier 2013:
Mise à disposition de la version 2013.0.1;
- Modification des helps.

4 Avril 2012:
Mise à disposition de la version 2012.0.1;
- Ajout de commentaires dans les scripts INSTALL et configure pour prévenir des modifications à faire sur Ubuntu.
- Fichier la fonction iternls2 renvoie une liste.
- Dans les codes LateX dans les impressions sont supprimées (\widehat, \lambda, etc...) ainsi que le caractère de protection \ devant % (dans 95%)
- Dans ôté une virgule en trop à la fin de la liste perm.model
- Ôté l'exécutable analDer

21 Février 2012:
Mise à disposition de la version 2012.0.0;
- Correction du script INSTALL: Les exécutables qui préexistaient dans le tar file n'étaient pas remplacés: désormais, c'est le résultat de leur compilation courante qui est installé.
- Rendu plus clair la procédure d'installation (?)

25 Août 2010 :
Mise à disposition de la version 2003.2.4; Dans les fichiers MyMakevars, libf2c remplace libg2c (depuis gcc>=4, libf2c est la librairie qui remplace libg2c)

2 Septembre 2008 :
Suite à l'installation sur une machine (64 bits) dans l'environnement Linux (Kubuntu) par un utilisateur, modification des commentaires dans le fichier INSTALL pour prévenir les usagers de modifier, le cas échéant, le fichier src/ En effet, sous Ubuntu le SHARE de R est sous /usr/share/R/share alors que nls2 cherche dans /usr/lib/R/share.

25 Janvier 2008 :
Mise à disposition de la version Windows.

23 Janvier 2008 :
Adaptation à la R version 2.6.1 et création d'un fichier src/MyMakevars pour Mandriva, 64 bits.

November, 20, 2007 :
Création de la version 2003.2.3:

October, 26, 2007 :
Création de la version 2003.2.2:

May, 02, 2007 :
Création de la version 2003.2.1:

May, 03, 2006 :
Création de la version 2003.2 pour mettre aux normes du compilateur gcc4 et de la GPL.

February, 24, 2006:

Some change in the scripts INSTALL and configure. Change consequently the help-pages.

August 2005:
File MyMakevars available for sun0s platform 2.9 (64bits) with GNU compilers.

July, 2003 :
Some changes to make nls2 installable by R CMD INSTALL

January,16,2003 :
Creation of the version 2003.1

December,15, 2002 :
Introduction of the methods added in the 2nd edition of the Guide:

Consequently, the novelties in the input are:

The novelties in the output are:

November,15, 2002 :
- Replace the underscores by arrows in the affectation commands.
- In the wald.nls2 function: when the Wald statistic cannot be calculated, a warning is issued instead of an error.

June, 6, 2002 :
Fix a bug in crCalib: the call to analDer should have its output redirected in a file as this:
analDer /tmp/calib$$ > /tmp/calib$$.c

=> new version of the package: nls2.2002.1.

February, 11, 2002:
- Windows version is no more available: the users have problems to uncompress the files of the tar-archive.

February, 08, 2002:
- Add option nls2C in the script INSTALL for installation of the components required for nls2C only.

January, 22, 2002:
- Version 2002 available

January, 22, 2002:
- The C-programs are generated on the standard output;
Before, they were generated in a file "pathname.c" where "pathname" is the pathname of the input file. This had a drawback: the user should have the write permission in the directory.

December, 13, 2001:
- Modify 'nlfonc.h' and 'myfuncnls2.c': the declaration of the formal double arguments should be inside the function definition, according to the ANSI-norm. If not, errors occur when the user calls these functions with integer constants as real arguments (they are not casted).
- Modify 'dfcodes.h' in analder, inv and psi. Modify 'analDer.c', arbreInv/inv.c arbrePsi/psi.c. Now, when the sentence 'subroutine;' is not found in the formal description file, a warning appears.
Before, the C-program was not created without any warning.
- Modify 'nl/CModel.c': the argument 'indErr' returned by 'calcf_' or 'calcv_' is tested to avoid out-of-array problem when the user writes the model-program by his own, without setting any value to 'indErr' when the return of the function is not OK. - Modify 'nl/CModel.c': the value returned by 'calcf_' or 'calcv_' is initialized by an error value to prevent the case where the user writes the model-program by his own, without setting any value to it.

December, 5, 2001:
- Remove the constraint on the maximal number of iterations (previously, 1000)

November, 30, 2001:
- Changes in 'src/Basic/analFilenls2.c' and 'monconfigure' to fix bugs in the LINUX version with 'strcpy'.

September, 25, 2001:
- Evaluation of the models by syntaxical trees are made available again (the 'calcf, 'calcv', etc.. subroutines must be in the same file as 'evalArb')

September, 24, 2001:
- Modification of loadnls2: introduction of the argument out, and modification of the code-source so that it is possible to use this function several times simultaneously.

September, 15, 2001:
- The list of all functions is removed from the web site; only, are public:
the 'welcome' pages, the forms to unload the package, the manual reference, and the novelties.

September, 12, 2001:
- Conversion of all the functions under R, but evaluation by syntax trees do not evaluate the models correctly under R (because of the static and/or extern variables ?) and warnings appear with the graphical functions.
- Reorganisation of the package to take into account the constraints of the R librairies.

July, 6, 2001:
- Add fun/ and the directory examples-alone: subset of the functions which do not need C or fortran programs, and so, work under R/Unix.

July, 2, 2001:
- To use without Splus.

June, 26, 2001:
- Simplification of the installation.

June, 06, 2001:
- Simplification of control to avoid lists inside this argument and to be like nls2C.
Modification of nls2, renls2, rexnls2. Function nls2.control is removed.
- The helps-files are no more up to date: move them in, modify the files Makefile, Inv/Makefile, Psi/Makefile: they install them no more. => no more helps available under Splus: use the html version only.

March, 06, 2001:
- Set the wanted.print and arguments in the control (see nls2.control) as sigma2, stop.crit, stat.crit are considered as num.res.
Differences between these arguments and
- they have iter
- they have not as.var, B.varZ.B, correlation, data, mu, residuals, W, Z (these elements are not calculated at each iteration, except if required by the other calculations, so, it is not possible to print or store at every freq iterations).

March, 01, 2001:
- Set the wanted argument of renls2 and rexnls2 as in the component in the control (see nls2.control)

February, 28, 2001:
- Suppress the argument in nls2

February, 27, 2001:
- add the component in the control (see nls2.control) to select the returned results.

March, 7, 2000:
Fix bugs in the Linux version, thanks to Jesús María Frías Celayeta:
- plfit and plres functions are now available.
- fix a bug in analder.

January, 28, 2000:
A linux version is available: see the page "To get nls2".

December, 09 1999:
- Use of "frames" to the help-on-line of the functions on the net.

December, 03 1999:
- Fix a bug when there are several steps and constraints of inequality on the parameters: correction of the subroutine "TrValW" in "Transfo.c".
- Changes in the Makefiles and files INSTALL that were no more valid.

December, 09 1998:
- In function "calib", the verification that the method is not an alternated method was done after the extraction of results. The extraction being not possible (while the results are in the "step" components in that case), an error occurred.

November, 06 1998:
- Fix bugs in the functions "bootstrap" and "confidence": these functions did not work if there is one parameter only.

July, 06 1998:
- A message is issued when the estimation has been required (niter greater than 0) and convergence is obtained on the initial values.
- In case of a modified least squares estimator criterion, if the three values of the criterion obtained when calculating the optimal step are equal, and if the other conditions of convergence are fulfilled, then the process is stopped (see the Manual).

June 25, 1998:
Change the function loadnls2:
- the argument sysdir is affected by default, but when this argument is affected by default, its value was not transformed into "-L sysdir" (correction done).

June 03, 1998:
- Improve the comments in the Installation Guide (file INSTALL)
- Creation of the file VERSION containing the last release date of the package.

May 28, 1998:
- Fix a bug: when the model is defined by an odes, and when the odes (and not only the regression expression) depends on independant variables (varind) that are not declared valint, the results were wrong.

May 26, 1998:
- Fix a bug: when the model is defined by an odes, and when there are parameters of the regression that are neither odes parameters, nor initial conditions, evaluation was not correct.
- Modify the function "loadnls2" so it can work on sites where undefined symbols appear when invoked with a compiled program in argument.
- Simplify the installation of nls2.

October 22 1997:
Modification of the Splus graphical functions: when using the driver PostScript, the graphs were erased before they were printed!

July, 03, 1997:
Correction of the function pl1vnls2 called by the graphical functions (this function is in the file fun/plnls2.s):
In case of several curves, the call to the function pl1cnls2 was:
      iscreen_pl1cnls2(xmat, y, id=curvey,ncurvey,
	         xfit, yfit,  ncurvefit=n,
	         jump, etc..
instead of:
  iscreen_pl1cnls2(xmat, y, id=curvey,ncurvey,
	         xfit, yfit,  ncurvefit,
	         jump, etc..
So, in the plot where all the curves are represented, there was only one line instead of one line per curve (for example, in the results of plfit.)

July, 01, 1997:
Correction of the example of rensl2:
     if (renls2.out$message !=0) break
     if (renls2.out$code !=0) break

June, 19, 1997:
- This current document.
- A french Guide for a typical installation on SOLARIS.


© INRA, 2001-