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How to Grow Dipladenia (Mandevilla) | Neverland Blog



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How to Grow Dipladenia (Mandevilla) | Neverland Blog


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Dipladenias are tropical plants that belong to the Mandevilla species. They are also known by other names like Rocktrumpet, Brazilian Jasmine and Funnel flower. They grow well in USDA hardiness zones 9,10,11 with warm climates during the daytime.



How to Grow Dipladenia (Mandevilla)

Dipladenias are tropical plants that belong to the Mandevilla species. They are also known by other names like Rocktrumpet, Brazilian Jasmine and Funnel flower. They grow well in USDA hardiness zones 9,10,11 with warm climates during the daytime.

How to Grow Dipladenia (Mandevilla)


Beautiful flowers in the garden are a treat to the eyes. It makes your garden vibrant and provides a refreshing look and feel. One such flower that grows in tropical forests is Dipladenia. Though a tropical plant, you can grow this house plant in hanging baskets and pots.

Because of the increased popularity of these plants, Dipladenias are now readily available in nurseries worldwide. They are affordable, easy to care for and can be grown by anyone who has a liking for houseplants. The flowers are available in various colors and make a beautiful addition to your garden.

What is a Dipladenia?

Dipladenias are tropical plants that belong to the Mandevilla species. They are also known by other names like

Rocktrumpet, Brazilian JasmineandFunnel flower. They are evergreen perennial vines native to Southwest United States, Central America and Mexico. They are available in a range of colors like red, pink, white, orange and yellow.

The blooming time of Dipladenia is summer to early fall. The plant requires full sun exposure for its healthy growth. They grow well in USDA hardiness zones 9,10,11 with warm climates during the daytime. The good thing about Dipladenia is that it is non-toxic to pets. Thus, even if you have pets at home, you can grow the plant.

Dipladenia vs. Mandevilla: What’s the Difference?

Dipladenia belongs to the Mandevilla species. But their growth pattern is different.

  • Though both Dipladenia and Mandevilla are vines, the way the vine grows is different. Mandevilla is a climbing plant that grows vertically -- great for polls and trellises. In contrast, Dipladenia is a bushy plant that grows down and hangs from the pot.
  • Mandevilla plants have larger flowers, whereas Dipladenia has small flowers.
  • Mandevilla prefers partial sun and fairly low maintenance. Dipladenia are super hardy plants and can enjoy hot, full sun and even take some wind! Dipladenias are drought and heat tolerant.
  • Dipladenia leaves are delicate and pointed and comes in dark green color. On the other hand, Mandevilla leaves are broad and large in size.

How to Grow Dipladenia?

The growing season of Dipladenia is summer to early fall. During this season, you should give proper care to ensure that the plant gives a full bloom. You can have a garden full of Dipladenia flowers through propagation and proper care. Let us look at the proper care to be given to Dipladenia for its healthy growth.


The peculiarity of Dipladenia is that it can tolerate some amount of dryness. Thus, providing one inch of water per week is enough for the plant. You should let the topsoil dry out in the spring season before watering. Having consistent wet soil is not good for the plant.

Light Requirements

Dipladenia requires 6-8 hours of direct sunlight for its healthy growth. But in a sweltering climate, you can provide some light shade. If you are growing the plant indoors, you can keep it on a window sill where sunlight is available.


Dilpadenia requires a warm climate for its growth. Thus, it grows well in zones 9 to 11. The plant requires a daytime temperature of above 70 degrees and a nighttime temperature between 65 and 70 degrees.

Overwintering Dipladenia: Protect during cold weather.

If the nighttime temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, it is best to protect the plant with a frost blanket. In the case of extreme winter, you can bring the plant indoors. Place it in an area where sunlight is available so that it can survive the late winter cold.


Dipladenia can grow in humid conditions, but humidity is not very important for the plant’s growth. However, you should take care to maintain a temperature above 70 degrees during the daytime.


Diplaneia requires sandy or loamy well draining soil. Well-draining potting soil is more than adequate for the plant. If you use regular garden soil, mix it with some agricultural soil before planting. For container plants, you should change the soil every year. Ensure that the container is large enough to accommodate the root ball.


You should fertilize Dipladenia with liquid plant food during its blooming period. This helps the plant produce more flowers. A fertiliser with an NPK mix of 10-30-20 is ideal during the flowering season. It is best to re-pot the plant every growing season to ensure consistent fertilising.

Pruning and Training

To promote new growth in the plant, you should pinch off a few inches of the plant above the leaf node. Once the flowers die, you should deadhead them to encourage new growth. You can slowly train them if you want to grow them on a trellis. But it would be best if you pruned the ends that droop downwards.

How to Propagate Dipladenia

There are three ways you can propagate Dipladenia - from cutting, by layering and from seeds.

Propagation from Cuttings

Cutting is the easiest way to propagate the plant. This includes the following steps.

  • Step 1 - Cut 4-6 inches of the plant below a leaf node.
  • Step 2 - Remove the leaves and flowers from the bottom part of the cutting.
  • Step 3 - Dip the cutting in rooting powder and plant it in a pot.

Propagation by Layering

In this propagation method, the new plant is fed all the nutrients by the parent plant until it grows on its own.

  • Step 1 - Make a small cut halfway into the plant’s stem. Do not detach the stem from the parent plant.
  • Step 2 - Apply rooting hormone to the cut area. This allows a new plant to grow from there.
  • Step 3 - Bury the cut area in the same soil as the parent plant. Keep a stone on top of the soil to prevent the stem from popping out. Once the root appears in the new plant, you can remove it from the parent plant.

Propagation from Seeds

This is the simplest way to grow Dipladenia

  • Step 1 - Allow the seedpods to remain in the plant until dry. Once it turns brown, you can collect the seeds.
  • Step 2 - Soak the seeds in water for at least twelve hours before sowing.
  • Step 3 - Sow them in well-draining potting soil.

Dipladenia Plant Care: Disease and Pests

Dipladenia plants requires proper care to protect them from disease and pests. Here are some of the common problems and how you can overcome the same.

Leaf Spots

Leaf spots are fungal infections that appear in warm and wet conditions. These are brown or yellow spots that grow to form more spots on the leaves. The best way to control leaf spots is to prune the leaves before the disease spreads. You can also use fungicide spray to control the disease.


Botrytis is a condition in which the foliage turns brown and wilts. It is caused by water molds that grow in cool temperatures. The best way to control this disease is to spray copper fungicide all over the plant. You can reapply the fungicide every 7-10 days.

Powdery Mildew

These are powder like mildew that appears on the Dipladenia vines. The fungus spread fast through the wind. The best way to prevent this condition is to provide good air circulation. Placing the plant in full sun also helps control powdery mildew.

Fusarium Wilt

This is a fungal disease caused by

Fusarium oxysporumthat grows in warm and wet conditions. It causes the foliage in select sections to wilt off. The main drawback of this disease is that you can save the plant only when the condition is diagnosed in the early stage. If diagnosed later, you need to remove and dispose of the plant as the condition is not treatable.

Root Rot

Root rot is a condition that causes the rotting of the plant’s root. This usually occurs as a result of overwatering. The main sign of root rot is a mushy vine base. Repotting in well-drained soil or replanting Dipladenia after trimming away rotting roots with sterilized scissors is the only way to save the plant.


Spider mites, mealybugs and aphids are a few pests that grow in the Dipladenia plant. All these pests feed on the sap of the vine and leaves. This weakens the plant and affects its ability to produce more blooms.

To get rid of the pests, you should first spray the plant with a strong stream of water from a sprayer. Once the plants are cleared off the pests, spray insecticidal soap or neem oil every 7-10 days until the problem is resolved. Always remember to wear gloves while spraying insecticide.

Discover and Buy Dipladenia at Neverland

Dipladenia is a beautiful and elegant houseplant that can provide a vibrant look to your garden. It belongs to the Mandevilla species and is available in a range of beautiful colors. You can grow them outdoors in your garden or as indoor plants.

FAQs on Dipladenia

FAQs on Dipladenia

Potted Dipladenia requires well-drained soil for its healthy growth. You should water the plant frequently once the top layer dries off. The plant requires NPK fertilising in a 10-30-20 mix for its healthy growth.

Dipladenias are perennial evergreen vines that can last all year round. However, the vine may drop a few leaves in cool locations or indoors during winter.

To spur new growth and blooming, it is advisable to cut back Dipladenia at the beginning of spring. If you grow the plant in a container, you can cut back the plant while repotting.

Extra nutrients help the plant to bear more flowers. You can feed the plant an NPK mixture in 10-30-20 composition every two weeks to promote blooming.

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