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It's a pretty interesting article. The journalist who underwent this transformation described the first month being hell and not being able to lift, but after the second month she had new renewed strength (fat adapted). She started lifting more than she used to and lost body fat + maintained muscle mass. Although to be far, she had a strict lifting program, but I like how the Dr. for the first month told her to relax w/ the exercising until the second month when her body adapted. Thought it was pretty cool to share. Only critique I have of it so far is that the doctor that helped her with this diet stated this:
‘No-carb diets are not for long-term use. The potential long-term negative effects are nutrient deficiencies and an imbalance of normal gut bacteria.’
I mean if you're eating whole food and veggies (spinach, broccoli, mushrooms etc.) you shouldn't be nutritional deprived, but overall. Interesting read.
EDIT: Courtesy of /u/diemunkiesdie . The writer of the above article actually DIDN'T hate every second of it. Daily Mail as, I've been informed, is the British equivalent of Fox News. Aka it means they're doushebags and spin articles to their favor regardless of the truth AKA every main stream channel in the world, but here you go. Enjoy. http://poppycross.co.uk/fitness/my-victoria-secret-challenge-hard-but-not-hell/
I think the doctor was also specifically referring to a NO carb diet, not a low carb diet. The journalist explains that her plan was actually stricter than most of us follow, and excluded vegetables after the first month: "For the first month I can eat vegetables. Mostly those ‘that grow above ground’, such as courgettes, leaves, sprouts and broccoli. But then I graduate to the ‘pre-catwalk’ diet, where it is just proteins and fats. To keep my energy up, I have two tablespoons of oil or butter with every meal. Eating out becomes near impossible and celebratory dinners, birthdays and weddings difficult. I end up constantly leaving food on my plate."
I think the doctor was also specifically referring to a NO carb diet, not a low carb diet.
To be fair, that's also perfectly doable ( r/zerocarb )
I'm in the process of transitioning to that already. I've started keeping total carbs under 20g, not just net.
She has a bit more information on her blog about stuff that the Daily Mail changed or slightly misrepresented: http://poppycross.co.uk/fitness/my-victoria-secret-challenge-hard-but-not-hell/
Yeah it is. I think it's to avoid scrutiny from the masses since their public image is REALLY important as models. Also a zero carb diet probably isn't their preferred dietary choice lol. Like someone mentioned, ours has carbs (low amount), but we still get nutrition from veggies.