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Plant-Herbivore Interactions (plant-herbivore-interactions.net)







In press Clark, T.J., P.G. Hahn, E. Brelsford, J. Francois, N. Hayes, B. Larkin, P. Ramsey, and D.E. Pearson. 2022. Preventing a series of unfortunate events: using qualitative models to improve co…



In press

Clark, T.J., P.G. Hahn, E. Brelsford, J. Francois, N. Hayes, B. Larkin, P. Ramsey, and D.E. Pearson. 2022. Preventing a series of unfortunate events: using qualitative models to improve conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press).


Palmer, J., Hahn, P.G., Metcalf, E., and J.L. Maron. Seed size of co-occurring forb species predicts rates of pre-dispersal seed loss from insects. Ecosphere 13:e4032.

Calixto, E.S. and P.G. Hahn. Plant-herbivorous insect interactions in forest ecosystems: Overview and perspectives to mitigate losses. In: Kumar, M., Dhyani, S., Kalra, N. (eds) Forest Dynamics and Conservation. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0071-6_8

Pearson, D.E., T.J. Clark, and P.G. Hahn. Evaluating unintended consequences of intentional species introductions and eradications for improved conservation management. Conservation Biology 36:e13734. doi:10.1111/cobi.13734. [pdf]

Olabiyi, D.O., P.B. Avery, E.B. Duren, P.G. Hahn, L.L. Stelinski, and L.M. Diepenbrock. Suitability of formulated entomopathenogenic fungi against hibiscus mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), deployed within screen covers intended to protect citrus from huanglongbing.
Journal of Economic Entomology 115:212-223. doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab243


Hahn, P.G., K. Keefover-Ring, L.M.N. Nguyen, and J.L. Maron. Intraspecific correlations between growth and defense vary with resource availability and differ within- and among-populations. Functional Ecology 35:2387-2396. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13878 [link]

Shaw, T.J., S.V. Paula-Moraes, P.G. Hahn, and A. Specht. Seasonal flight patterns of Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Florida Panhandle and inventory of Plusiine species cross-attracted to synthetic pheromone. Journal of Economic Entomology 114:2315-2325 https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab179

Kuhlman, M.P., S. Burrows, D.L. Mummey, P.W. Ramsey, and P.G. Hahn. Relative bee abundance varies by collection method and flowering richness: Implications for understanding patterns in bee community data. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12071. [link] [pdf]

Brudvig, L.A., N.E. Turley, L. Bell-Dereske, S. Breland, E.I. Damschen, S.E. Evans, J. Gibbs, P.G. Hahn, R. Isaacs, J.A. Ledvina, J.L. Orrock, Q.M. Sorenson, and J.D. Stuhler. 2021. Restored ecosystems bear the long-lasting legacy of their agricultural past. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2020935118. [pdf]

Maron, J.L., P.G. Hahn, K. Hajek, and D.E. Pearson. Trade-offs between seed size and biotic interactions contribute to coexistence of co-occurring species that vary in fecundity. Journal of Ecology 109:626-638. [pdf]


Mou, De-Fen, C.C. Lee, P.G. Hahn, N. Soto, A.R. Humphries, E.E. Helmick, and B.W. Bahder. 2020. Effects of lethal bronzing disease, palm height, and temperature on abundance and monitoring of Haplaxius crudus. Insects 11: 0748. doi:10.3390/insects11110748 [pdf]

Shelef, O., P.G. Hahn, A. Pineda, M.V. Tejesvi, A. Martinez-Medina (eds.). Below-ground interactions in ecological processes. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-258-9 [online]


Maron, J.L., K. Hajek, P.G. Hahn, and D.E. Pearson. Seedling recruitment corelates with seed input across seed sizes: implications for coexistence. Ecology 100:e02848. [online]

Shelef, O., P.G. Hahn, A. Pineda, T. Mysore, and A. Martinez-Medina. As above so below? Progress in understanding the role of belowground interactions in ecological processes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7:318. [online]Editorial for organized Research Topic on belowground interactions.

Shelef, O.*, P.G. Hahn*, Z. Getman-Pickering, and A. Martinez-Medina. Coming to common ground: the challenges of applying ecological theory developed aboveground to rhizosphere interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:58.
*Denotes equal contribution* [online] [pdf]

Hahn, P.G., A.A. Agrawal, K. Sussman, and J.L. Maron. Population variation, environmental gradients, and the evolutionary ecology of plant defense against herbivory. American Naturalist 193:20-34. [blog] [data] [pdf]


Hahn, P.G., L. Bullington, B. Larkin, K. LaFlamme, J.L. Maron and Y. Lekberg. Effects of short- and long-term variation in resource conditions on soil fungal communities and plant responses to soil biota.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1605. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01605
[online] [pdf] [data]

Maron, J.L., K. Hajek, P.G. Hahn, and D.E. Pearson. Rodent seed predators and a dominant grass competitor affect coexistence of co-occurring forb species that vary in seed size. Journal of Ecology 106: 1795-1805. [online] [data]

Waller, L.P.*, P.G. Hahn*, J.L. Maron and Y. Lekberg. Trait responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are stronger and more consistent than fixed differences among populations of Asclepias speciosa.
American Journal of Botany 105: 207-214

.*Denotes equal contribution* [pdf] [data]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Maron. Plant water stress and previous herbivore damage affect insect performance. Ecological Entomology 43:47-54. [online] [pdf].


Miller, J.E.*, P.G. Hahn*, E.I. Damschen and J. Brennan. Functional dependence underlying a positive plant-consumer richness relationship.
Basic and Applied Ecology 21: 94-100. *Denotes equal contribution* [pdf]


Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Maron. A framework for predicting intraspecific variation in plant defense. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31: 646-656. [pdf]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Ontogenic responses of four plant species to additive and interactive effects of land-use history, canopy structure and herbivory.
Journal of Ecology 104: 1518-1526. [pdf] [data] [blog]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Neighbor palatability generates associational effects by altering herbivore foraging behavior. Ecology 97: 2103-2111. [pdf]


Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Spatial arrangement of canopy structure and land-use history alter the effect of herbivores on plant growth.
Ecosphere 6(10):193. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES15-00036.1 [pdf]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Land-use history alters contemporary insect herbivore community composition and decouples plant-herbivore relationships.
Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 745-754. [pdf] [data] [Press]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Land-use legacies and present fire regimes interact to mediate herbivory by altering the neighboring plant community.

,124: 497-506. [pdf] [data] [Oikos Blog]


Brudvig, L.A., J.L. Orrock, E.I. Damschen, C.D. Collins, P.G. Hahn, W.B. Mattingly, J.W. Veldman, and J.L. Walker. Land-use history and contemporary management inform an ecological reference model for longleaf pine woodland understory plant communities. PLoS One 9: e86604. [pdf]

Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Effects of temperature on seed viability of six Ozark glade herb species and eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana).
American Midland Naturalist 171: 147-152. [pdf]


Dornbush, M.E. and P.G. Hahn. 2013. Colonization and establishment limitations contribute more than competitive interactions in sustaining dominance of the exotic herb garlic mustard in a Wisconsin, USA forest. Biological Invasions 15:2691-2706. [pdf]

Hahn, P.G. and M.E, Dornbush. 2012. Exotic consumers interact with exotic plants to mediate native plant survival in a Midwestern forest herb layer.
Biological Invasions 14:449-460. [pdf]

Hahn, P.G., M.L. Draney, and M.E. Dornbush. 2011. Exotic slugs pose a previously unrecognized threat to the herbaceous layer in a Midwestern woodland.
Restoration Ecology 19: 786-794. [pdf]


McGlynn, A.H., P.G. Hahn, and M.P. Hagan. 2013. The effect of a cognitive treatment program for male and female juvenile offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57: 1107-1119.

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