In press Clark, T.J., P.G. Hahn, E. Brelsford, J. Francois, N. Hayes, B. Larkin, P. Ramsey, and D.E. Pearson. 2022. Preventing a series of unfortunate events: using qualitative models to improve co…
Clark, T.J., P.G. Hahn, E. Brelsford, J. Francois, N. Hayes, B. Larkin, P. Ramsey, and D.E. Pearson. 2022. Preventing a series of unfortunate events: using qualitative models to improve conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press).
Palmer, J., Hahn, P.G., Metcalf, E., and J.L. Maron. Seed size of co-occurring forb species predicts rates of pre-dispersal seed loss from insects. Ecosphere 13:e4032.
Calixto, E.S. and P.G. Hahn. Plant-herbivorous insect interactions in forest ecosystems: Overview and perspectives to mitigate losses. In: Kumar, M., Dhyani, S., Kalra, N. (eds) Forest Dynamics and Conservation. Springer, Singapore.
Pearson, D.E., T.J. Clark, and P.G. Hahn. Evaluating unintended consequences of intentional species introductions and eradications for improved conservation management. Conservation Biology 36:e13734. doi:10.1111/cobi.13734. [pdf]
Olabiyi, D.O., P.B. Avery, E.B. Duren, P.G. Hahn, L.L. Stelinski, and L.M. Diepenbrock. Suitability of formulated entomopathenogenic fungi against hibiscus mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), deployed within screen covers intended to protect citrus from huanglongbing.
Journal of Economic Entomology 115:212-223.
Hahn, P.G., K. Keefover-Ring, L.M.N. Nguyen, and J.L. Maron. Intraspecific correlations between growth and defense vary with resource availability and differ within- and among-populations. Functional Ecology 35:2387-2396. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13878 [link]
Shaw, T.J., S.V. Paula-Moraes, P.G. Hahn, and A. Specht. Seasonal flight patterns of Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Florida Panhandle and inventory of Plusiine species cross-attracted to synthetic pheromone. Journal of Economic Entomology 114:2315-2325
Kuhlman, M.P., S. Burrows, D.L. Mummey, P.W. Ramsey, and P.G. Hahn. Relative bee abundance varies by collection method and flowering richness: Implications for understanding patterns in bee community data. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12071. [link] [pdf]
Brudvig, L.A., N.E. Turley, L. Bell-Dereske, S. Breland, E.I. Damschen, S.E. Evans, J. Gibbs, P.G. Hahn, R. Isaacs, J.A. Ledvina, J.L. Orrock, Q.M. Sorenson, and J.D. Stuhler. 2021. Restored ecosystems bear the long-lasting legacy of their agricultural past. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2020935118. [pdf]
Maron, J.L., P.G. Hahn, K. Hajek, and D.E. Pearson. Trade-offs between seed size and biotic interactions contribute to coexistence of co-occurring species that vary in fecundity. Journal of Ecology 109:626-638. [pdf]
Mou, De-Fen, C.C. Lee, P.G. Hahn, N. Soto, A.R. Humphries, E.E. Helmick, and B.W. Bahder. 2020. Effects of lethal bronzing disease, palm height, and temperature on abundance and monitoring of Haplaxius crudus. Insects 11: 0748. doi:10.3390/insects11110748 [pdf]
Shelef, O., P.G. Hahn, A. Pineda, M.V. Tejesvi, A. Martinez-Medina (eds.). Below-ground interactions in ecological processes. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-258-9 [online]
Maron, J.L., K. Hajek, P.G. Hahn, and D.E. Pearson. Seedling recruitment corelates with seed input across seed sizes: implications for coexistence. Ecology 100:e02848. [online]
Shelef, O., P.G. Hahn, A. Pineda, T. Mysore, and A. Martinez-Medina. As above so below? Progress in understanding the role of belowground interactions in ecological processes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7:318. [online]Editorial for organized Research Topic on belowground interactions.
Shelef, O.*, P.G. Hahn*, Z. Getman-Pickering, and A. Martinez-Medina. Coming to common ground: the challenges of applying ecological theory developed aboveground to rhizosphere interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:58.
*Denotes equal contribution* [online] [pdf]
Hahn, P.G., A.A. Agrawal, K. Sussman, and J.L. Maron. Population variation, environmental gradients, and the evolutionary ecology of plant defense against herbivory. American Naturalist 193:20-34. [blog] [data] [pdf]
Hahn, P.G., L. Bullington, B. Larkin, K. LaFlamme, J.L. Maron and Y. Lekberg. Effects of short- and long-term variation in resource conditions on soil fungal communities and plant responses to soil biota.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1605.
[online] [pdf] [data]
Maron, J.L., K. Hajek, P.G. Hahn, and D.E. Pearson. Rodent seed predators and a dominant grass competitor affect coexistence of co-occurring forb species that vary in seed size. Journal of Ecology 106: 1795-1805. [online] [data]
Waller, L.P.*, P.G. Hahn*, J.L. Maron and Y. Lekberg. Trait responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are stronger and more consistent than fixed differences among populations of Asclepias speciosa.
American Journal of Botany 105: 207-214
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Maron. Plant water stress and previous herbivore damage affect insect performance. Ecological Entomology 43:47-54. [online] [pdf].
Miller, J.E.*, P.G. Hahn*, E.I. Damschen and J. Brennan. Functional dependence underlying a positive plant-consumer richness relationship.
Basic and Applied Ecology 21: 94-100. *Denotes equal contribution* [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Maron. A framework for predicting intraspecific variation in plant defense. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31: 646-656. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Ontogenic responses of four plant species to additive and interactive effects of land-use history, canopy structure and herbivory.
Journal of Ecology 104: 1518-1526. [pdf] [data] [blog]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Neighbor palatability generates associational effects by altering herbivore foraging behavior. Ecology 97: 2103-2111. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Spatial arrangement of canopy structure and land-use history alter the effect of herbivores on plant growth.
Ecosphere 6(10):193. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Land-use history alters contemporary insect herbivore community composition and decouples plant-herbivore relationships.
Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 745-754. [pdf] [data] [Press]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Land-use legacies and present fire regimes interact to mediate herbivory by altering the neighboring plant community.
Brudvig, L.A., J.L. Orrock, E.I. Damschen, C.D. Collins, P.G. Hahn, W.B. Mattingly, J.W. Veldman, and J.L. Walker. Land-use history and contemporary management inform an ecological reference model for longleaf pine woodland understory plant communities. PLoS One 9: e86604. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and J.L. Orrock. Effects of temperature on seed viability of six Ozark glade herb species and eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana).
American Midland Naturalist 171: 147-152. [pdf]
Dornbush, M.E. and P.G. Hahn. 2013. Colonization and establishment limitations contribute more than competitive interactions in sustaining dominance of the exotic herb garlic mustard in a Wisconsin, USA forest. Biological Invasions 15:2691-2706. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G. and M.E, Dornbush. 2012. Exotic consumers interact with exotic plants to mediate native plant survival in a Midwestern forest herb layer.
Biological Invasions 14:449-460. [pdf]
Hahn, P.G., M.L. Draney, and M.E. Dornbush. 2011. Exotic slugs pose a previously unrecognized threat to the herbaceous layer in a Midwestern woodland.
Restoration Ecology 19: 786-794. [pdf]
McGlynn, A.H., P.G. Hahn, and M.P. Hagan. 2013. The effect of a cognitive treatment program for male and female juvenile offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57: 1107-1119.
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