In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a batch of seedlings of coniferous species from Poland, infected with brown spotted burn of pine needles, was destroyed.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a batch of seedlings of coniferous species from Poland, infected with brown spotted burn of pine needles, was destroyed.
Russia Pine
On June 17, 2022, employees of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office when carrying out activities in relation to imported regulated products at the Tekhnoprom temporary storage warehouse (Dzerzhinsk) during quarantine phytosanitary control of 5288 ornamental and coniferous seedlings (origin Republic of Poland) and during the inspection of a batch of pine seedlings black in the amount of 143 pieces, a quarantine object was identified - the causative agent of brown spotted burn of pine needles (Mycosphaerella dearnessii MTBar).
The fact of detection of a quarantine object is confirmed by the conclusion on the quarantine phytosanitary condition of regulated products, issued by the subordinated Service of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Nizhny Novgorod Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor". The release of this batch of products is prohibited.
The owner made a decision to destroy regulated products by incineration within the period established by the Department. Infected seedlings are not allowed for sale. The possibility of spreading a dangerous quarantine object is thus completely excluded.
The brown spotted blight of Mycosphaerella dearnessii is a dangerous disease of pine needles. Symptoms (lesions, injuries): in the beginning, the symptoms of the disease appear on the needles in the form of orange-yellow spots, which later turn dark brown in the center with a yellow border.
Sometimes these spots have a dark edge, although a yellow halo is always visible around them. Infection of the needles appears as dead tips, a central zone with spots and a green base. Affected needles are often shorter than healthy ones.
With a strong defeat, all the needles turn brown, and then gray and fall off prematurely. Distribution routes: plants for planting, cut branches of plants of the genus Pinus sp. ■