vers la météo de la validation par utilisateur
+----------MOD_PRED:N-ADJ---------+ +----COMP:N-N(of)----+ +------COMP:ADJ-N(in)------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+ +COMP:N-N(of+ | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,protein) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (activation,sufficient) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:ADJ-N(in) (sufficient,growth) COMP:N-N(of) (growth,fibroblast)
+----------MOD_PRED:N-ADJ---------+ +----COMP:N-N(of)----+ | | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+COMP:N-N(+COMP:N-N(of+ | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,protein) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (activation,sufficient) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:N-N(in) (arrest,growth) COMP:N-N(of) (growth,fibroblast)
+----------MOD_PRED:N-ADJ---------+ +----COMP:N-N(of)----+ | +-----COMP:N-N(of)----+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+COMP:N-N(+ | | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,protein) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (activation,sufficient) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:N-N(in) (arrest,growth) COMP:N-N(of) (arrest,fibroblast)
+--------------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------------+ | +---OBJ:V-N---+ +------COMP:ADJ-N(in)------+ | +COMP:N-N(of)+ +MOD_PRED:N-A+-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+ +MOD_+ | | | | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,__NODE__) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (protein,sufficient) OBJ:V-N (be,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:ADJ-N(in) (sufficient,growth) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (growth,of) SUBJ:V-N (fibroblast,activation)
+--------------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------------+ | +---OBJ:V-N---+ | +COMP:N-N(of)+ +MOD_PRED:N-A+-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+COMP:N-N(+MOD_+ | | | | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,__NODE__) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (protein,sufficient) OBJ:V-N (be,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:N-N(in) (arrest,growth) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (growth,of) SUBJ:V-N (fibroblast,activation)
+--------------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------------+ | +---OBJ:V-N---+ +MOD_POST:N-ADJ+ | +COMP:N-N(of)+ +MOD_PRED:N-A+-COMP:ADJ-N(for)+COMP:N-N(+ | | | | | | | | | | | Activation of __NODE__ protein is sufficient for the arrest in growth of fibroblasts . COMP:N-N(of) (activation,__NODE__) MOD_PRED:N-ADJ (protein,sufficient) OBJ:V-N (be,__NODE__) COMP:ADJ-N(for) (sufficient,arrest) COMP:N-N(in) (arrest,growth) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (arrest,of) SUBJ:V-N (fibroblast,activation)