vers la météo de la validation par utilisateur
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +------------OBJ:V-N-----------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+--------SUBJ:V-N--------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +--SUBJ:V-N-+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,heterodimer) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) SUBJ:V-N (consist,spacer) SUBJ:V-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +------------OBJ:V-N-----------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ | +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +--SUBJ:V-N-+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,heterodimer) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) SUBJ:V-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +---------------------SUBJ:V-N---------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ +------------OBJ:V-N------------+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,consist) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+SUBJ:V_PASS+ +COMP:V-N+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ +-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ +------------OBJ:V-N------------+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,spacer) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +COMP:V_PASS-N(wi+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) COMP:V_PASS-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +COMP:V_PASS-N(wi+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) COMP:V_PASS-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+SUBJ:V_PASS+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | | | +-----------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-----------------+ | | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+ | +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +------------MOD_ATT:N-N------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | | | | | +--------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +---COMP:N-N(from)---+----------OBJ:V-N---------+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,__NODE__) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | | +--------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +---COMP:N-N(from)---+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------OBJ:V-N-----------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ | +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +--SUBJ:V-N-+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,heterodimer) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (heterodimer,base) SUBJ:V-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | +--------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +---COMP:N-N(from)---+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +-------------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | | | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +COMP:V_PASS-N(wi+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) COMP:V_PASS-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | +-------------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-------------------+ | +------------MOD_ATT:N-N------------+ | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +COMP:V_PASS-N(wi+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) COMP:V_PASS-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | | | +-----------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-----------------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | | | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | | | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+ | +COMP:V-N+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | +-------------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +COMP:V_PASS-N(wi+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) COMP:V_PASS-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+SUBJ:V_PASS+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +----------------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------------+ | | | +-----------------SUBJ:V_PASS-N-----------------+ | +----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ | | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+ | +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,@card@) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | | | +-----------COMP:N-N(from)----------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | | | +MOD_ATT+SUBJ:V_PASS+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V_PASS-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +------------MOD_ATT:N-N------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ +------------OBJ:V-N------------+----------------COMP:N-N(of)----------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,spacer) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (spacer,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ | +------------OBJ:V-N-----------+ | +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ | +-----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----+ | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ | +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ | | +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,heterodimer) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (heterodimer,base) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ +------------OBJ:V-N------------+ | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,spacer) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +---COMP:N-N(from)---+----------OBJ:V-N---------+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,__NODE__) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | | +--------------OBJ:V-N-------------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------------+ +------------------OBJ:V-N-----------------+ | | | +------------------------SUBJ:V-N-----------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-----------+ | | | +--------------------OBJ:V-N--------------------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ +---------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +---COMP:N-N(from)---+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ | +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+--SUBJ:V-N-+ +COMP:V-N+ | +MOD_A+ +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ +MOD_ATT+ | | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) OBJ:V-N (evert,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (repeat,@card@) COMP:V-N(with) (repeat,8) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,consist) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (consist,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,bind) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ +------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+ +------------OBJ:V-N-----------+ | | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +-----OBJ:V-N-----+ | | +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-+ | +----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | +MOD_A+ | | +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) OBJ:V-N (with,spacer) OBJ:V-N (with,heterodimer) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,base) MOD_ATT:N-N (spacer,pair) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)
+------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N------------------------------------+-------------------------OBJ:V-N------------------------+ | +---------OBJ:V-N--------+ | +----------MOD_ATT:N-N---------+ +-----COMP:V-N(in)----+ | | +------SUBJ:V-N------+----OBJ:V-N---+ | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N------+----COMP:N-N(of)---+ +--COMP:V-N(of)-+ +MOD_ATT:N-+ +--------COMP:N-N(of)--------+ +COMP:N-N(fro+ | +MOD_ATT+MOD_PO+ +-COMP:V-N(with)-+ | | +MOD_ATT:N-N+ +MOD_ATT+ | +SUBJ:V-+ | +MOD_A+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Binding of promoter fragment ( 401 376 ) from __SP__ __NODE__ gene consisting of everted repeat with 8 base pair spacer and heterodimer consisting of __SP__ __NODE__ and of __SP__ __NODE__ occurs in a cell free system . COMP:N-N(of) (bind,@card@) COMP:N-N(from) (@card@,__SP__) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,@card@) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,gene) MOD_POST:N-ADJ (consist,of) SUBJ:V-N (evert,bind) COMP:V-N(with) (evert,8) OBJ:V-N (evert,consist) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,pair) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,spacer) MOD_ATT:N-N (consist,heterodimer) COMP:N-N(of) (consist,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__NODE__,__SP__) COMP:V-N(of) (occur,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (occur,__NODE__) COMP:V-N(in) (occur,system) MOD_ATT:N-N (system,cell) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (system,free)