Laurent Tournier

version française


I am a researcher (chargé de recherches) in applied mathematics at INRA (french national institute for agronomical research). My primary interest concerns Systems Biology. More specifically, my goal is to build and analyse mathematical models of regulatory networks coming from biology (for instance, gene regulatory networks). For that purpose, I study dynamical systems (discrete, continuous or hybrid) and I develop algorithmic tools to improve the analysis of their dynamical behavior.

Dynamical systems ; differential equations ; Boolean networks ; model reduction ; network inference ; modelling ; systems biology.
Apoptosis ; cell fate ; stress responses (bacteria).


Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Unité MIG - Mathématique, Informatique et Génôme Mail : laurent.tournier 'at'
Domaine de Vilvert, Bâtiment 233 Tel : +33(0)
F-78350 Jouy en Josas, France. Fax : +33(0)

Brief CV

From 09/2009 : Researcher (fr. chargé de recherches) at INRA (center of Jouy en Josas, France). I work in the unit MIG (Mathématique, Informatique et Génome) and more specifically in the Systems Biology group.
12/2008 -- 08/2009 : Post-doctoral fellow at Curie Institute (Paris, France) in the Bioinformatics unit. I worked in the team Computational Systems Biology of Cancer.
09/2006 -- 11/2008 : Post-doctoral fellow at INRIA, french institute for automatic and computer science research (center of Sophia-Antipolis, France). I worked within the team/project COMORE (Modelling and Control of renewable resources).
09/2004 -- 08/2006 : Teaching assistant (fr. ATER) in computer science in Pierre Mendes-France University (Grenoble, France).
09/2001 -- 08/2004 : Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (Grenoble, France), under the supervision of Jean Della Dora.
Teaching assistant (fr. moniteur) in computer science in Pierre Mendes-France University (Grenoble, France).


[Chaves et al, 2010]
M. Chaves, L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé,
Comparing Boolean and piecewise affine differential models for genetic networks.
Acta Biotheoretica, 58(2), pp 217-232 (2010).
[Research report available]

[Calzone et al, 2010]
L. Calzone, L. Tournier, S. Fourquet, D. Thieffry, B. Zhivotovsky, E. Barillot and A. Zinovyev,
Mathematical modelling of cell-fate decision in response to death receptor engagement.
PLoS Computational Biology, 6(3): e1000702 (2010).

[Tournier and Chaves, 2009]
L. Tournier and M. Chaves,
Uncovering operational interactions in genetic networks using asynchronous boolean dynamics.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 260(2), pp 196-209 (2009).
[Research report available]

[Tournier and Gouzé, 2008]
L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé,
Hierarchical analysis of piecewise affine models of gene regulatory networks.
Theory in Biosciences, 127(2), pp 125-134 (2008).
[Research report available]

[Tournier and Gouzé, 2008]
L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé,
Qualitative Stability Patterns for Lotka-Volterra Systems on Rectangles.
LNCS, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2008, 4981, pp 662-665 (2008).
[Research report available]

[Della Dora et al, 2006]
J. Della Dora, A. Maignan, L. Tournier,
Dynamic systems: an algorithmic point of view.
Dumas eds: Transgressive Computing 2006, pp 3-14 (2006).

[Tournier, 2005]
L. Tournier,
Approximation of dynamical systems using S-systems theory: application to biological systems.
Kauers eds: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ACM Press, pp 317--324 (2005).
[research report available]

[Tournier, 2005]
L. Tournier,
Étude et modélisation mathématique de réseaux de régulation génétique et métabolique.
PhD Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (2005).
[Downloadable here (in French)]