This program has been developped and tested on Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) with g++ (4.4.3) and relies on the GNU scientific library (1.13) for random number generation. To compile this code you need the gsl installed on your computer (check by typing "gsl-config --version"). Unzip and move into the "src" subdirectory. Then, compile the program using the commands: make clean make This will create a binary executable with name "treemm" in the "bin" subdirectory. Move to the "test" subdirectory to try the program with the dataset that served in our publication using the command line: ../bin/treemm -seq ./prom_60-40_n3242.seq -tree ./hclust_treecens.dat -nmotifs 20 -lmaxbox1 20 -lmaxbox2 10 -niter 100000 -nheur 25000 The input data files that we used in our publication can be found in this subdirectory.