Welcome, this is the fixed test evaluation form for the BioNLP-ST'13 BB tasks.
- You must be registered to submit a prediction, the provided e-mail address must be the same as you gave to the registration form. If you have not registered, please register.
One (successful) submission for each task is allowed for 24 hours.- The upload must be a gzipped tar archive (.tar.gz or .tgz) containing .a2 files.
- For BB tasks, submissions consist in a set of .a2 files containing predictions.
- The names of .a2 files must be the same as the provided .txt and .a1 files. All .a2 files must be present; if, for a given document, there is no prediction, then the file should be left empty.
- If you submit to several BB tasks, you must upload one archive for each one.
- This service will check the submission is well formed with regards to the BioNLP-ST file format and to the BB task annotation schema. It will reject invalid submissions, and will not give error details. You may check your submission and obtain more information with a command-line tool available on the BB task page.