Activités Wolfram Liebermeister est chercheur en biologie des systèmes au sein de l'équipe BioSys de l'unité MaIAGE. Il a étudié la physique et détient un doctorat en biophysique théorique. Il est co-auteur d'un ouvrage sur la biologie des systèmes. Au cœur de ses travaux, il souligne les aspects fonctionnels du métabolisme comme la variabilité, le contrôle et l'optimalité. Les projets plus récents portent sur la prédiction des investissements cellulaires en protéines. Axes de recherche
Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)
Unité MaIAGE,
Domaine de Vilvert, Bâtiment 210,
78350 Jouy en Josas
wolfram.liebermeister at
Outils pour la biologie des systèmes
- RBA: Analyse du bilan des ressources
- Proteomaps: visualisation des données protéomiques
- SBtab: format de données pour la biologie des systèmes
- ObjTables: schémas pour les fichiers de données
- Parameter balancing
- Model balancing
- Modélisation structurelle-thermokinétique
- Minimisation du coût des enzymes
- Metabolic Network Toolbox
- semanticSBML: Outils pour les modèles au format SBML
- SB.OS: Outils pour la biologie des systèmes
- Code sur github:
- Noor E. and Liebermeister W. (2023). Optimal enzyme profiles in unbranched metabolic pathways: Jupyter Notebooks. Zenodo
Expérience professionelle
2019 | Chercheur invité, Mount Sina New York (Karr Lab) |
Depuis 2017 | Directeur de recherche, INRAE Jouy-en-Josas |
2017 | Chercheur invité, Technion Haifa (Shlomi Lab) |
2016 | Chercheur invité, Institute for Advanced Bioscience, Keio University (Murray Lab) |
2011 - 2016 | Chercheur, Institut de biochimie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
2011 | Chercheur invité Department of Plant Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science (Milo Lab) |
2009 - 2010 | Postdoctorant, Theoretical Biophysics, Université Humboldt Berlin |
2007 - 2008 | Postdoctorant, Computational Systems Biology, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin |
2005 | Minerva fellow, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science (Alon Lab) |
2004 - 2006 | Postdoctorant, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Kinetic Modeling Group |
2003 - 2004 | Chercheur, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Université libre de Berlin |
1997 - 1998 | Chargé de cours (physique), Leibnizkolleg Tübingen |
2013 | Habilitation (allemande) en biophysique théorique, Université Humboldt Berlin |
2004 | Doctorat en biophysique théorique, Université Humboldt Berlin |
1998 | Diplôme (M2) de physique, Université Hamburg |
Publications et révisions d'articles
- Publications sur Google Scholar | ResearchGate | HAL INRAE
- Téléchargements de preprints sur Rxivist
- Révisions d'articles sur Publons
- ORCiD 0000-0002-2568-2381
A compact model of Escherichia coli core and biosynthetic metabolism
Corrao M., He H., Liebermeister W., Noor E. (2024) arXiv:2406.16596 -
Fibration symmetry uncovers minimal regulatory networks for logical computation in bacteria
Álvarez-García L.A., Liebermeister W., Leifer I., Makse H.A. (2023) arXiv:2310.10895 -
ObjTables: structured spreadsheets that promote data quality, reuse, and integration
Karr J.R., Liebermeister W., Goldberg A.P., Sekar J.A.P., Shaikh B. (2020) arXiv:2005.05227 -
Optimal metabolic states in cells
Liebermeister W. (2018/2022) bioRxiv doi:10.1101/483867 -
The value structure of metabolic states
Liebermeister W. (2018/2022) bioRxiv doi:10.1101/483891 -
Flux cost functions and optimal metabolic states
Liebermeister W. (2018/2022) arXiv:1801.05742 -
Optimal enzyme rhythms in cells
Liebermeister W. (2016/2022), arXiv:1602.05167 -
Enzyme economy and metabolic control
Liebermeister W. (2014/2022), arXiv:1404.5252 -
Metabolic fluxes and value production
Liebermeister W. (2014/2022), arXiv:1404.5072
Articles de journaux
Optimal enzyme profiles in unbranched metabolic pathways
Noor E. and Liebermeister W. (2024)
Interface Focus 14 (1), Special Issue "50 Years of metabolic control analysis" [html] -
A neural-mechanistic hybrid approach improving the predictive power of
genome-scale metabolic models
Faure L., Mollet B., Liebermeister W., Faulon J.-L. (2023)
Nature Communications 14, 4669 [html] -
Mathematical properties of optimal fluxes in cellular reaction networks at balanced growth
Dourado H., Liebermeister W., Ebenhöh O., Lercher M.J. (2023)
PLoS Computational Biology, doi 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011156 - RBAtools: a programming interface for Resource Balance Analysis models
Bodeit O., Ben Samir I., Karr J.R., Goelzer A., Liebermeister W. (2023)
Bioinformatics Advances, vbad056 -
Structural thermokinetic modelling
Liebermeister W. (2022)
Metabolites 12(5), 434. [html] -
BioSimulators: a central registry of simulation engines and services for recommending specific tools
Shaikh B., Smith L.P., Vasilescu D., Marupilla G., et al. (2022)
Nucleic Acids Research, gkac331. [html] -
Model Balancing: a search for in-vivo kinetic constants and consistent metabolic states
Liebermeister W. and Noor E. (2021)
Metabolites 11(11), 749. [html] -
SBML Level 3: an extensible format for
the exchange and reuse of biological models
Keating S.M. et al. (2020)
Molecular Systems Biology (2020)16:e9110. [html] -
Clb3-centered regulations are recurrent
across distinct parameter regions in minimal autonomous cell
cycle oscillator designs
Mondeel T.D.G.A., Ivanov O., Westerhoff H.V., Liebermeister W., Barberis M. (2020)
npj Systems Biology and Applications 6, Article number: 8. [html] -
Automated generation of bacterial resource allocation models
Bulović A., Fischer S., Dinh M., Golib F., Liebermeister W., Poirier C., Tournier L., Klipp E., Fromion V., Goelzer A. (2019),
Metabolic Engineering 55 (2019) 12–22. [html] -
Parameter balancing: consistent parameter sets for kinetic metabolic models
Lubitz T. and Liebermeister W. (2019),
Bioinformatics 35 (19) 3857. [html] -
Metabolite–enzyme coevolution: from single enzymes to metabolic pathways and networks
Noda-Garcia L., Liebermeister W., and Tawfik D.S. (2018),
Annual Review of Biochemistry (87): 187-216. [html] -
Metabolic enzyme cost explains variable trade-offs between microbial growth rate and yield
Wortel M.T., Noor E., Ferris M., Bruggeman F.J., Liebermeister W. (2018),
PLoS Computational Biology 14(2): e1006010. [html] [preprint on bioRxiv] -
The protein cost of metabolic fluxes: prediction from enzymatic rate laws and cost minimization
Noor E., Flamholz A., Bar-Even A., Davidi D., Milo R., Liebermeister W. (2016),
PLoS Computational Biology 12 (10): e1005167. [html] [convexity proof on arXiv] -
Notions of similarity for systems biology models
Henkel R., Hoehndorf R., Kacprowski T., Knüpfer C., Liebermeister W., Waltemath D. (2016),
Briefings in Bioinformatics, doi 10.1093/bib/bbw090. [html] [preprint on bioRxiv] -
Toward community standards and software for whole-cell modeling
Waltemath D. , Karr J. , Bergmann F. , Chelliah V. , Hucka M. , Krantz M., Liebermeister W., Mendes P., Myers C., Pir P., Alaybeyoglu B., Aranganathan N., Baghalian K., Bittig A., Burke P., Cantarelli M., Chew Y., Costa R., Cursons J., Czauderna T., Goldberg A., Gomez H., Hahn J., Hameri T., Gardiol D., Kazakiewicz D., Kiselev I., Knight-Schrijver V., Knüpfer C., König M., Lee D., Lloret-Villas A., Mandrik N., Medley J., Moreau B., Naderi-Meshkin H., Palaniappan S., Priego-Espinosa D., Scharm M., Sharma M., Smallbone K., Stanford N., Song J. H., Theile T., Tokic M., Tomar N., Toure V., Uhlendorf J., Varusai T., Watanabe L., Wendland F., Wolfien M., Yurkovich J., Zhu Y., Zardilis A., Zhukova A., Schreiber F. (2016)
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (10). [html] -
SBtab: A flexible table format for data exchange in
systems biology
Lubitz T., Hahn J., Bergmann F.T., Noor E., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2016)
Bioinformatics 32 (16) 2559–2561. [html] -
Global characterization of in vivo enzyme catalytic rates and their
correspondence to in vitro kcat measurements
Davidi D., Noor E., Liebermeister W., Bar-Even A., Flamholz A., Tummler K., Barenholz U., Goldenfeld M., Shlomi T., Milo R. (2016)
PNAS 113 (12) 3401-3406. [html] -
Visual account of protein investment in cellular functions
Liebermeister W., Noor E., Flamholz A., Davidi D., Bernhardt J., Milo R. (2014)
PNAS 111 (23), 8488-8493. [html] -
Pathway thermodynamics highlights kinetic obstacles in central metabolism
Noor E., Bar-Even A., Flamholz A., Reznik E., Liebermeister W., Milo R. (2014)
PLoS Computational Biology 10 (2) e1003483. [html] [pdf] -
Systematic construction of kinetic models from genome-scale metabolic networks
Stanford N.J., Lubitz T., Smallbone K., Klipp E., Mendes P., Liebermeister W. (2013)
PLoS ONE 8(11): E79195. [html] -
Steady-state metabolite concentrations reflect a balance between maximizing enzyme efficiency and minimizing total metabolite load
Tepper N., Noor E., Amador-Noguez D., Haraldsdóttir H.S., Milo R., Rabinowitz J., Liebermeister W., Shlomi T. (2013)
PLoS ONE 8(9): e75370. [html] [pdf] -
A note on the kinetics of enzyme action: a decomposition
that highlights thermodynamic effects
Noor E., Flamholz A., Liebermeister W., Bar-Even A., Milo R. (2013)
FEBS Letters 587(17): 2772-2777 [Abstract] -
Glycolytic strategy as a tradeoff between energy yield and protein cost
Flamholz A., Noor E., Bar-Even A., Liebermeister W., Milo R. (2013)
PNAS 110(24): 10039-10044. [Abstract] [pdf] -
Spanning high-dimensional expression space using ribosome-binding site combinatorics
Zelcbuch L., Antonovsky N., Bar-Even A., Levin-Karp A., Barenholz U., Dayagi M., Liebermeister W., Flamholz A., Noor E., Amram S., Brandis A., Bareia T., Yofe I., Jubran H., Milo R. (2013)
Nucleic Acids Res. 41(9):e98. [html] -
Shapes and deformations of polyhedral rings formed by corpuscle elements
Wohlleben E. and Liebermeister W. (2012)
Journal for Geometry and Graphics 16 (1), 59-67. [Preprint pdf] - Global
network reorganization during dynamic adaptations of Bacillus
subtilis metabolism
Buescher J.M., Liebermeister W. , Jules M., Uhr M., Muntel J., Botella E. , Hessling B. , Kleijn R.J., Le Chat L., Lecointe F., Mäder U., Nicolas P., Piersma S., Rügheimer F., Becher D., Bessieres P., Bidnenko E., Denham E.L., Dervyn E., Devine K.M., Doherty G., Drulhe S., Felicori L., Fogg M.J., Goelzer A., Hansen A., Harwood C.R., Hecker M., Hubner S., Hultschig C., Jarmer H., Klipp E., Leduc A., Lewis P., Molina F., Noirot P., Peres S. , Pigeonneau N., Pohl S., Rasmussen S., Rinn B., Schaffer M., Schnidder J., Schwikowski B., van Dijl J.M., Veiga P., Walsh S., Wilkinson A.J., Stelling J., Aymerich S., Sauer U. (2012)
Science 335 (6072), 1099-1103. [Abstract] -
Condition-dependent transcriptome reveals high-level
regulatory architecture in Bacillus
Nicolas P., Mäder U., Dervyn E., Rochat T., Leduc A., Pigeonneau N., Bidnenko E., Marchadier E., Hoebeke M., Aymerich S., Becher D., Bisicchia P., Botella E., Delumeau O., Doherty G., Denham E.L., Fogg M.J., Fromion V., Goelzer A., Hansen A., Härtig E., Harwood C.R., Homuth G., Jarmer H., Jules M., Klipp E., Le Chat L., Lecointe F., Lewis P., Liebermeister W., March A., Mars R.A.T., Nannapaneni P., Noone D., Pohl S., Rinn B., Rügheimer F., Sappa P.K., Samson F., Schaffer M., Schwikowski B., Steil L., Stülke J., Wiegert T., Devine K.M., Wilkinson A.J., van Dijl J.M., Hecker M., Völker U., Bessieres P., Noirot P. (2012)
Science 335 (6072), 1103-1106. [Abstract] -
Propagating semantic information in biochemical network models
Schulz M., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2012)
BMC Bioinformatics 13:18. [Article] -
Retrieval, alignment, and clustering of computational models based on semantic annotations
Schulz M., Krause F., Le Novère N., Klipp E., Liebermeister W.(2011)
Molecular Systems Biology 7, Article number: 512. [pdf] -
The moderately efficient enzyme: evolutionary and physicochemical trends shaping enzyme parameters
Bar-Even A., Noor E., Savir Y., Liebermeister W., Davidi D., Tawfik DS., Milo R. (2011)
Biochemistry 50 (21): 4402-4410. [Abstract] -
Parameter balancing in kinetic models of cell metabolism
Lubitz T., Schulz M., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2010)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(49):16298-16303. [Abstract] [html] [pdf] -
Integrating quantitative proteomics and metabolomics with a genome-scale metabolic model
Yizhak K., Benyamini T., Liebermeister W., Ruppin E., Shlomi T. (2010)
ISMB 2010. Bioinformatics 26 (12) Pp. i255-i260. [html] [pdf] -
Modular rate laws for enzymatic reactions: thermodynamics, elasticities, and implementation
Liebermeister W., Uhlendorf J., Klipp E. (2010)
Bioinformatics 26(12):1528-1534. [Abstract] [pdf] -
A quantitative study of the Hog1 MAPK response to fluctuating osmotic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Zhi Z., Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2010)
PLoS One 5 (3), e9522. [html] [pdf] -
Annotation and merging of SBML models with semanticSBML
Krause F, Uhlendorf J., Lubitz T., Schulz M., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2010)
Bioinformatics 26 (3), 421-422. [html] [pdf] [semanticSBML website] -
A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology
Herrgard M. J., Swainston N., Dobson P., Dunn W. B., Arga K. Y., Arvas M., Blüthgen N., Borger S., Costenoble R., Heinemann M., Hucka M., Le Novere N., Li P., Liebermeister W., Mo M. L., Oliveira A. P., Petranovic D., Pettifer S., Simeonidis E., Smallbone K., Spasie I., Weichart D., Brent R., Broomhead D. S., Westerhoff H. V., Kürdar B., Penttilä M., Klipp E., Palsson B. O., Sauer U., Oliver S. G., Mendes P., Nielsen J., Kell D. B. (2008)
Nature Biotechnology 26, 1155-1160. [html] [pdf] -
Systems biology standards - the community speaks
Klipp E., Liebermeister W., Helbig A., Kowald A., Schaber J. (2007)
Nature Biotechnology 25, 390 - 391. [html] [pdf] [supplement] -
Bringing metabolic networks to life: integration of kinetic, metabolic,
and proteomic data
Liebermeister W. and Klipp E. (2006)
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 3:42. [html] [pdf] -
Bringing metabolic networks to life: convenience rate law and thermodynamic constraints
Liebermeister W. and Klipp E. (2006)
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 3:41. [html] [pdf] [correction] -
Mathematical modeling of intracellular signaling pathways
Klipp E. and Liebermeister W. (2006)
BMC Neuroscience 2006, 7 (Suppl 1):S10. [html] - [pdf] -
A comprehensive library of fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia Coli
Zaslaver A., Bren A., Ronen M., Itzkovitz S., Kikoin I., Shavit S., Liebermeister W., Surette M. G., Alon U., (2006)
Nature Methods 3, 623 - 628. [html] - [pdf] -
Predicting physiological concentrations of metabolites from their molecular structure
Liebermeister W. (2005)
Journal of Computational Biology 12 (10), 1307-1315. [Abstract] - [pdf] -
Biochemical networks with uncertain parameters
Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2005)
IEE Proceedings - Systems Biology 152 (3) 97-107. [Abstract] - [pdf] -
Biochemical network models simplified by balanced truncation
Liebermeister W., Baur U., Klipp E. (2005)
FEBS Journal, 272 (16) 4034 - 4043. FEBS Journal, 272 (16) 4034 - 4043. [pdf] -
Response to temporal parameter fluctuations in biochemical networks
Liebermeister W. (2005)
Journal of Theoretical Biology 234 (3), 423-438. [html] - [pdf] -
A theory of optimal differential gene expression
Liebermeister W., Klipp E., Schuster S., Heinrich R. (2004)
BioSystems 76, 261-278. [html] - [pdf] -
Does mapping reveal correlation between gene expression and protein-protein interaction?
Mrowka R., Liebermeister W., Holste D. (2003)
Nature Genetics 33 (1), 15-16. [html] - [pdf] -
Linear modes of gene expression determined by independent component analysis
Liebermeister W. (2002)
Bioinformatics 18, 51-60. [Abstract] - [pdf] - [supplement] -
Ratcheting in post-translational protein translocation: a mathematical model
Liebermeister W., Rapoport T. A., Heinrich R. (2001)
Journal of Molecular Biology 305, 643-656. [html] - [Abstract] - [pdf]
How mammals adapt their breath to body activity – and how this depends on body size.
Recommendation for PCI Math Comp Biol (2021),
- Economic Principles in Cell Biology
(2023): The Economic Cell Collective. [pdf sur zenodo] - Systems Biology - A Textbook
Première edition (2009): Klipp E., Liebermeister W., Wierling C., Kowald A., Lehrach H., Herwig R. [site web] - Systems Biology - A Textbook
Deuxième edition (2016): Klipp E., Liebermeister W., Wierling C., Kowald A. [site web]
Chapitres de livre
The enzyme cost of metabolic fluxes
Liebermeister, W. and Noor, E. (2023) [pdf on zenodo]
In Economic Principles in Cell Biology -
Optimization of metabolic states
Kremling A., Liebermeister W., Noor E. and Wortel M.T. (2023) [pdf on zenodo]
In Economic Principles in Cell Biology -
Resource allocation in complex cell models
Dourado H., Goelzer A., Grigaitis P., Liebermeister W. and Noor, E. (2023) [pdf on zenodo]
In Economic Principles in Cell Biology -
Traces and Frames
Liebermeister, W. and Pollman T.C. (2017)
In Pollman T.C.: tracelation. [pdf] -
Knowledge Management for Systems Biology
Leser, U. and Liebermeister, W. (2013)
In Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O., Cho, K.-H. and Yokota, H. (ed): Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. -
Sustainable model building: the role of standards and biological semantics
Krause F., Schulz M., Swainston N., Liebermeister W. (2011)
In Jameson D., Verma M., and Westerhoff H.V. (ed): Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 500, 371-395. [Science direct]
Articles de conférence
Deciphering the design principles of dynamic cell cycle control
Barberis M., Mondeel T.D.G.A., Linke C., Supady A., Chasapi A., Liebermeister W., Loog M., Xenarios I., and Kitano H. (2015)
Yeast 32 (S1), S1-S292
27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
[html] -
Periodic corpuscle structures and the spaces in between
Wohlleben E. and Liebermeister W. (2012) 15th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
[pdf] -
semanticsSBML 2.0 - A Collection of Online Services for SBML Models
Krause F., Schulz M., Lubitz T., Liebermeister W. (2010) Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences -
Tension and deformations in elastic polyhedral rings made of corpuscle elements
Wohlleben E. and Liebermeister W. (2010) 14th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
[pdf] -
Nested uncertainty in biochemical models
Schaber J., Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2009)
IET Systems Biology 3 (1), 1-9. [pdf] -
Exploring the effect of variable enzyme concentrations in a
kinetic model of yeast glycolysis
Bruck J., Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2008)
Genome Informatics Series 20. [pdf] -
Merging of systems biology models with semanticSBML
Liebermeister W., Krause F., Klipp E. (2008)
5th Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks. [pdf] -
The corpuscle - a simple building block for polyhedra networks
Wohlleben E. and Liebermeister W. (2008)
13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics. [pdf] -
Validity and combination of biochemical models
Liebermeister W. (2008)
Proceedings of 3rd International ESCEC Workshop on Experimental Standard Conditions on Enzyme Characterizations. [proceedings] [pdf] -
Automatically generated model of a metabolic network
Borger S., Liebermeister W., Uhlendorf J., Klipp E. (2007)
Genome Informatics Series 18 (1), 215-224. [pdf] -
Integration of enzyme kinetic data from various sources
Borger S., Uhlendorf J., Helbig A., Liebermeister W. (2007)
In Silico Biology 7 S1, 09. [html] [pdf] -
Structural analysis of expressed metabolic subnetworks
Ebenhöh O. and Liebermeister W. (2006)
Genome Informatics Series 17 (1). [Abstract] - [pdf] -
Prediction of enzyme kinetic parameters based on statistical learning
Borger S., Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2006)
Genome Informatics Series 17 (1). [Abstract] - [pdf] -
SBMLmerge, a system for combining biochemical network models
Schulz M., Uhlendorf J., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2006)
Genome Informatics Series 17 (1). [pdf] -
Dimension reduction by balanced truncation applied to a model of glycolysis
Liebermeister W. (2005)
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on computation of biochemical pathways and genetic networks
Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 21-28. [pdf] -
Distribution of a bifurcation parameter in a genetic network with uncertain parameters
Borger S., Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2005)
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on computation of biochemical pathways and genetic networks
Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 95-101. [pdf] -
Inferring dynamic properties of biochemical reaction networks from structural knowledge
Klipp E., Liebermeister W., Wierling C. (2004)
Genome Informatics Series 15 (1), 125-137. [pdf] -
Independent component analysis of gene expression data
Liebermeister W. (2001)
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on computation of biochemical pathways and genetic networks
Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 39-44. -
Mathematical modelling of posttranslational protein translocation
Heinrich R., Liebermeister W., Rapoport T.A. (2000)
9th International BioThermoKinetics Meeting (BTK 2000), 237-241. -
Mutual information analysis of surrogate gene expression data
Holste D., Beule D., Liebermeister W., Schuchhardt J., Herzel H. (1999)
German Conference on Bioinformatics, 201-204. -
Atomic positions in icosahedral quasicrystals
Kramer P., Papadopolos Z., Liebermeister W. (1998)
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quasicrystals, Yamada Conference XLVII, World Scientific, Singapore, 71-76. -
Atomic positions for the icosahedral F-Phase tiling
Papadopolos Z., Kramer P., Liebermeister W. (1998)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals, Aperiodic 1997, World Scientific, Singapore, 173-81.
Documents sur les standards et formats de modèles
SBtab - Conventions for structured data tables in Systems Biology
Liebermeister W., Lubitz T., and Hahn J. (2015), arXiv:1502.01463 -
SBML Level 3 package: Hierarchical Model Composition,
Version 1 Release 3
Smith L.P., Hucka M., Hoops S., Finney A., Ginkel M., Myers C.J., Moraru I., Liebermeister W. (2015)
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 12(2):268 [html] -
SBML Level 3 Package Proposal: Annotation
Waltemath D., Swainston N., Lister AL., Bergmann F., Henkel R., Hoops S., Hucka M., Juty N., Keating S., Knüpfer C., Krause F., Laibe C., Liebermeister W., Lloyd C., Misirli G., Schulz M., Taschuk M., Le Novere N. (2011), Nature Precedings [html] -
A simple clustering of the BioModels database using semanticSBML
Krause F., Liebermeister W. (2009)
BioModels Meeting 2009, March 2009, Nature Precedings [html] -
SemanticSBML: a tool for annotating, checking, and merging of biochemical models in SBML format
Liebermeister W., Krause F., Uhlendorf J., Lubitz T., Klipp E. (2009)
3rd International Biocuration Conference, 2009, Nature Precedings [html]
Ouvrages diplômants
Construction and control analysis of biochemical network models
Habilitation (allemande) (2013) [pdf] -
Analysis of optimal gene expression
Doctorat (2004) [pdf] -
Geometrie und Elektronenstruktur der Quasikristalle i-AlCuFe und i-AlPdMn
Diplôme de physique (1998) [pdf]
Enzyme economy in metabolic networks
ICSB 2018, Lyon [pdf]