S. aureus Expression Data Browser
Details about S177
Highest Expression Conditions
RPMI-exp-A1 flucRPMI-exp TSB-exp-A TSB-t2-B1 vancRPMI-exp
12.7 12.4 12.2 12.2 12.2
Lowest Expression Conditions
colist-exp intTHP1-6h intTHP1-2h vancRPMI-t4 RPMI/FCS-exp
9.27 9.6 9.8 10.3 10.5
Most Positively Correlated Segments
cysS SAOUHSC_00514 SAOUHSC_00513 S614 argR sigH SAOUHSC_00512 SAOUHSC_01475 SAOUHSC_01244 S613
0.73 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.66
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
moaC S113 SAOUHSC_02575 SAOUHSC_00357 SAOUHSC_01005 rpmB SAOUHSC_00876 SAOUHSC_00010 SAOUHSC_02590 SAOUHSC_00012
-0.62 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.56 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.53
Additional information for gene S177
Seed Annotation
A295 B147 C4
Expression Profile of segment S177
Genomic View of gene/segment S177
(Legend) (Show/Hide rho-mutant profiles)