S. aureus Expression Data Browser
Details about S635
Highest Expression Conditions
CDM-t4 CDM-t2 anaer-2h ciproTSB-exp CO2-6h
13.2 12.8 12.1 12.1 11.6
Lowest Expression Conditions
colist-exp intTHP1-6h RPMI/FCS-exp RPMI-exp-A2 flucRPMI-exp
8.65 9.3 9.35 9.48 9.6
Most Positively Correlated Segments
int SAOUHSC_01577 S634 SAOUHSC_01576 SAOUHSC_01571 SAOUHSC_01574 SAOUHSC_01568 SAOUHSC_01561 S632 SAOUHSC_01570
0.95 0.83 0.81 0.76 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.71 0.71
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
SAOUHSC_01340 uppP SAOUHSC_00911 opuD tal fmtC S560 menA SAOUHSC_00255 S755
-0.75 -0.75 -0.74 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.71 -0.71 -0.7 -0.7
Additional information for gene S635
Seed Annotation
A831 B333 C18
Expression Profile of segment S635
Genomic View of gene/segment S635
(Legend) (Show/Hide rho-mutant profiles)