vers la météo de la validation par utilisateur
+----------------------------------------SUBJ:V-N----------------------------------------+ +----------------MOD_ATT:N-N---------------+--------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | | +------------MOD_ATT:N-N-----------+---------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------+ | | | | +----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ +--------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ--------+ | | | | | | +MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | +-----MOD_ATT:N-N----+ | | +----OBJ:V-N----+ | | | | +MOD_AT+SUBJ:V-N+ | | +-MOD_ATT:N-N+MOD+ +-OBJ:V-N-+ | +MOD_ATT+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __NODE__ response element from __SP__ __NODE__ gene decreases binding of __NODE__ response element from __SP__ L __NODE__ [__NODE__] gene and __SP__ __NODE__ protein . MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,element) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,gene) COMP:N-N(of) (decrease,L) SUBJ:V-N (bind,decrease) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__SP__,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,element) MOD_ATT:N-N (L,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,decrease) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,[__NODE__]) SUBJ:V-N (__SP__,decrease) OBJ:V-N (__SP__,protein) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__)
+----------------MOD_ATT:N-N---------------+--------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------+ | +------------MOD_ATT:N-N-----------+---------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------+ | | | +----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ +--------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ--------+ | +------------------OBJ:V-N------------------+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | +-----MOD_ATT:N-N----+ | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-+ | | | | +MOD_AT+SUBJ:V-N+ | | +-MOD_ATT:N-N+MOD+ +-OBJ:V-N-+ | +MOD_ATT+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __NODE__ response element from __SP__ __NODE__ gene decreases binding of __NODE__ response element from __SP__ L __NODE__ [__NODE__] gene and __SP__ __NODE__ protein . MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,element) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,gene) COMP:N-N(of) (decrease,L) SUBJ:V-N (bind,decrease) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__SP__,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,element) MOD_ATT:N-N (L,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,decrease) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,[__NODE__]) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,protein) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__)
+----------------MOD_ATT:N-N---------------+--------------------------SUBJ:V-N--------------------------+------------------OBJ:V-N------------------+ | +------------MOD_ATT:N-N-----------+---------------------COMP:N-N(of)---------------------+ | +-----------MOD_ATT:N-N-----------+ | | +----MOD_ATT:N-ADJ----+ +--------MOD_ATT:N-ADJ--------+ | | | +-------MOD_ATT:N-N-------+ | | | +MOD_ATT:N-ADJ+ | +-----MOD_ATT:N-N----+ | | | | +-MOD_ATT:N-ADJ-+ | | | | +MOD_AT+SUBJ:V-N+ | | +-MOD_ATT:N-N+MOD+ | | | | +MOD_ATT+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __NODE__ response element from __SP__ __NODE__ gene decreases binding of __NODE__ response element from __SP__ L __NODE__ [__NODE__] gene and __SP__ __NODE__ protein . MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,element) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (decrease,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (decrease,gene) COMP:N-N(of) (decrease,L) SUBJ:V-N (bind,decrease) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (__SP__,__NODE__) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,response) MOD_ATT:N-N (__SP__,element) MOD_ATT:N-N (L,__SP__) SUBJ:V-N (__NODE__,decrease) OBJ:V-N (__NODE__,protein) MOD_ATT:N-N (protein,[__NODE__]) MOD_ATT:N-N (protein,gene) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__SP__) MOD_ATT:N-ADJ (protein,__NODE__)