Laboratoire Mathématique, Informatique et Génome, Bibliome group
Dr. Claire Nedellec is permanent researcher at the mathematics, informatics and genomics (MIG) research laboratory since 2001. MIG is part of the French national institute of agronomy (INRA). She is at the head of the Bibliome research group. She was assistant professor in Computer Science at LRI, University Paris-Sud since 1994 after she obtained her PhD on inductive logic programming (ILP) applied to cooperative learning apprentice. Her current research interest focuses on the application of machine learning to knowledge extraction from text, for instance, ontology learning and extraction rule learning. She designs cooperative knowledge intensive machine learning methods to be applied to scientific and technical documents parsed by linguistic-based tools. She has been involved in many national and international collaborations and contracts in machine learning, knowledge acquisition and cognitive science, as researcher and scientific coordinator (Alvis, Quaero). She has been program chair of the European conference on machine learning, ECML 98. She was chair of BioNLP Shared Task 2013. |