French version

Laboratoire MathÈmatique, Informatique et GÈnome, Bibliome group

International and national contracts

    International contracts

  • Coordination for MIG the project Quaero – Automatic multimedia content processing. Oseo. May 2008 à May 2013. Coordination of WP3 : Natural Language Processing du Core Technology Cluster and two tasks 3.3: Ontology et 3.4: Semantic Annotation Participation to projects Corpus and TIAE (Text and Image Annotation Engine) with Jouve company. MIG: 20 man-year.

  • FP6 Specific Support Action, Priority Food quality and safety "Epipagri": Towards European Collective Management of Public Intellectual Property for Agricultural Biotechnologies. WP1†: joint intellectual property information system. Subvention MIG†: 9 man-month. 2007-2008.

  • Coordination for MIG the project IST FP6 STREP "ALVIS - Superpeer Semantic Search Engine". Research goal: knowledge acquisition by machine learning for semantic annotation of documents and information retrieval. Coordinator of WP Semantics Learning. MIG: 4 man-year. 2003 - 2007.

  • Esprit IV Long Term Research no 20237 "Inductive Logic Programming 2" (18 hommes an). Research: Application of configurable ILP to "Data Mining" and NLP. Revision in ILP. 1996 - 1999.

  • European Science Foundation project "Learning in Human and Machine" (80 persons) group Changing Representation leaded by Lorenza Saitta and Daniel Kayser. Research: Application of APT method to cognitive changes of representation of students. 1995 - 1997.

  • CNRS bilateral contract between LRI and the computer science and mathematics laboratory of Bar Ilan university (IsraÎl) "Incremental Revision of Relational Models in Robotics and Vision", leaded by Y. Kodratoff andM. Golumbic (6 personns). Research: Declarative biases for knowledge revision . 1992 - 1994. 1995 - 1998 Text-mining.

  • Esprit III contract "Basic Research Action" no 6020 "Inductive Logic Programming" .Task "Declarative Biases" leaded by C. Rouveirol (4 partners, 22 man-month).Research: ILP and configurable systems. 1992 - 1994.

  • Esprit II contract "Machine Learning Toolbox" no 2154 (115 man-month) for LRI and ISoft. Coordination of the task "machine learning algorithms" (8 partners, 43 man-month) R & D of copperative machine learning method APT. Demonstrations at ECAI'90, Esprit Technical Week 90 et 92 (Brussels), JournÈes SystËmes Experts 91, (Avignon), and IJCAI'93. 1990 - 1993.

  • Coordination for LRI of the bilateral contract CNRS/JNICT "Disciple, a learning apprentice", with the Compter science lab of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) leaded by Y. Kodratoff and E. Costa (6 persons).Research: Financial application. 1990 - 1993.

    European network of excellence

  • Member of the MLNet (Machine Learning Network) board, Esprit V network of excellence in machine learning. 1999 - 2001.

  • Member of KDNet: Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence. FP5-IST-2001-33086 (2002-2005).

  • Member of KDubiq: Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence. FP6-IST -021321 FET Open (Future and Emerging Technologies).(2005-2008).

    National research contracts

  • Coordination for MIG of the contract FSOV: Sélection du blé assistée par marqueur. Member of the board. Partners: UFS (Union française des semenciers), Arvalis, UMR INRA Génétique, Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales. MIG objective: Information extraction on genetic markers in wheat. 1 man-year. dec 2010 – nov 2011.

  • Etude préalable à la conception d’un système d’information sur les grandes cultures avec des fonctions de recherche sémantique d’information GIS HP2E (Systèmes de production de Grande Culture à Hautes Performances Economiques et Environnementales) (2011-2012)

  • Coordination for MIG of the contract 3BCAR (bioénergie, biomolécules et biomatériaux du carbone renouvelable) Astrali : Analyse Stratégique sur les Liquides Ioniques : De leur conception à leurs applications dans un contexte de développement durable et d’innovation. MIG objective: design of a semantic bibliographic search engine. 6 man-month. 2010-2011.

  • Coordination for MIG of the contract ANR ARP (atelier de recherche prospective) VegA : Quelles biomasses pour le futur? . février 2008 - janvier 2010. MIG objective: design of a information search engine in the green biotechno patent domain.

  • Participation to Décrypton contract "Cancer du rein et phosphorylation oxydative" with CGMC lab. (Université C. Bernard Lyon). Funding : 3 man-month. 2006-2008.

  • Coordination for MIG of the RNTL (RÈseau National de Recherche en Technologie Logicielle) contract, "EXTRAction de connaissance pour l'EXPLOitation de la DOCumentation Scientifique, Extraplodocs", with the lab CNRS-Université Paris 13, LIPN (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord) and ISOFT company. Coordinator of the tasks Acquisition d'ontologie et Extraction díinformation. Subvention†: 181 Keuros. 2003 - 2005.

  • Coordination for MIG of the bio-informatics inter-EPST contract, "CADERIGE 2", with CNRS-LEIBNIZ (Grenoble), LIPN (Villetaneuse), LRI (Orsay), INRIA AIDA (Rennes), ENSAR INRA Rennes and MIG (Versailles). Research: Ontology learning from text on genomics. November 2001 - November 2003.

  • Coordination for LRI of the bio-informatics CNRS-INRA-INRIA-INSERM, "CADERIGE, Catégorisation Automatique de Documents pour l'Extraction de Réseaux d'Interaction Géniques", with CNRS LEIBNIZ (Grenoble), LIPN (Villetaneuse), INRIA AIDA (Rennes), INRA GM et LRV (Jouy-en-Josas) and MIG (Versailles). Research at LRI: Learning linguistic conceptual knowledge from texts on genomics. November 2000 - October 2001.

  • Coordination for LRI of the contract RNRT (Réseau National de Recherche en Télécommunication) precompetitive funded by Ministère de l'Industrie, "ASTUXE, Amélioration des Services d'Assistance Technique en Ligne par l'Extraction d'Information des Messages de Demande d'Intervention" (16 person-year, 3,5 and 1MF for LRI). Research: Learning knowledge extraction rules from texts. November 2000 - April 2002, 30 months.

    Local projects

  • Project Apprentissage Automatique et Traitement des Connaissances. leaded by J. S. Liénard, pluriformation project of the Computer science dept of the University Paris XI. Research: Machine learning application to natural language processing with relational databases. 2 years: 1996-1997.

  • Coordination with Christian Jacquemin, of the Bonus QualitÈ Recherche (BQR) project, "Construction automatique de thésaurus et d'index à partir de corpus" of the Computer science dept of the University Paris XI. 1 year: 1999-2000. Extension in 2001.

    Industry - Research

  • Scientific organization of the first FIIFO symposium (Formation d'Ingénieur en Informatique de la FacultÈ d'Orsay) Research-Industry on Document Management , Orsay, 10 November 1999.

    National industrial partnerships

  • Coordination of the collaboration with the R&D dept of de Dassault Aviation on the application of machine learning methods on semantic analysis of technical documents. 2 years: 1996-1998. Participation to the End-User Club du projet Esprit ILP 2.

    Research transfert

  • Record of ASIUM software by CNRS at CNISF (no 15072), transfert file (no 61560) managed by FIST (France Innovation Scientifique et Transfert). The co-inventors are David Faure, Claire NÈdellec et CÈline Rouveirol. Since 1998.

    CIFRE theses

  • Collaboration with Valigen company on the application of machine learning and natural language processing methods to knowledge extraction of genic interaction in MedLine references. CIFRE of Mohammed Ould Abdel Vetah. July 2000 - July 2002.

  • Collaboration with health insurance service of SNCF (service d'Assurance Maladie et de Retraite de la SNCF) in Marseille. Development and exploitation of a Minitel knowledge base by cooperative machine learning methods. CIFRE of Luc Poittevin. 4 years: 1994-1998. The Minitel service and the maintenance tool have been open on line in May 1996.