B. subtilis Expression Data Browser
Details about S1043 Show/Hide
Highest Expression Conditions
Cold T3.0H G135 LBGexp G180 G150 Salt Lbexp H2O2 T5.0H
13.5 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.1 13 13 13 13 13
Lowest Expression Conditions
BT S8 S7 S6 M40t90 S3 MG+120 S5 Gly S0
9.63 9.68 10.2 10.2 10.6 10.8 11 11.1 11.1 11.2
Most Positively Correlated Segments
cymR S921 S1578 S581 S916 S847 S303 S1552 S10 S27
0.8 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.71 0.71
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
ynzE yjaZ yotN ygzC yvaM yndL yycQ phrI ytdA S400
-0.63 -0.63 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61
Expression Profile of Segment S1043 Show/Hide
Genomic View of Gene/Segment S1043 Show/Hide