B. subtilis Expression Data Browser
Details about S1227 Show/Hide
Highest Expression Conditions
S8 C30 S7 S6 Pyr Glucon B60 LoTm C90 M/G
12.8 12 12 10.8 10 9.91 9.84 9.82 9.66 9.51
Lowest Expression Conditions
MG+60 GM+60 HiTm MG-0.1 MG+45 GM+45 HiOs MG+25 dia0 UNK1
7.27 7.32 7.35 7.37 7.42 7.44 7.44 7.45 7.45 7.45
Most Positively Correlated Segments
S1574 S1180 yozX S309 S666 S400 S1179 S1082 ywmA S743
0.86 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.78
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
yusH yfiF yulF azlD glyA coaA azlC tufA phoE yitI
-0.66 -0.64 -0.64 -0.63 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.61 -0.61
Expression Profile of Segment S1227 Show/Hide
Genomic View of Gene/Segment S1227 Show/Hide