B. subtilis Expression Data Browser
Details about NA Show/Hide
Highest Expression Conditions
MG+5 MG+10 MG+t5 BMM MG+15 GM+25 GM+15 MG-0.2 HiOs M9-exp
15.1 15 14.9 14.8 14.1 14.1 14 14 13.9 13.8
Lowest Expression Conditions
Paraq H2O2 Oxctl G180 G150 LBGstat G135 LBGexp dia0 LBGtran
8 8.14 8.28 8.34 8.42 8.48 8.71 9.23 9.32 9.42
Most Positively Correlated Segments
S689 metI mtnW yoaE mtnX mtnB yoaD mtnD metC S1499
0.95 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.89 0.89
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
ydaB yfkO yyzE S1542 pbuE treP bglA S1408 treA sigV
-0.73 -0.7 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.68 -0.67 -0.67 -0.66
Expression Profile of Segment NA Show/Hide
Genomic View of Gene/Segment NA Show/Hide