B. subtilis Expression Data Browser
Details about S1114 Show/Hide
Highest Expression Conditions
S8 S6 S7 Lbstat B36 nit ferm T1.0H C30 S5
11.8 11.6 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.3 10.1 9.85 9.83 9.79
Lowest Expression Conditions
Etha Diami LBGtran LPh dia5 HPh MG-0.1 SMMPr M9-exp MG+10
7.46 7.49 7.53 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.63 7.63 7.64 7.66
Most Positively Correlated Segments
S166 yoaI S1083 S477 ypzG gerPB yutC gerPA gerPC S1562
0.81 0.81 0.81 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.79
Most Negatively Correlated Segments
yusH yvbH kapB gtaB yeeC penP metA rex yqhM rsbU
-0.78 -0.78 -0.74 -0.73 -0.72 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71
Expression Profile of Segment S1114 Show/Hide
Genomic View of Gene/Segment S1114 Show/Hide